
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cloth Diapers--the research...

So now I think I have CDOCD (Cloth Diaper Obsessive Compulsive disorder). I am constantly researching this. The are so many options and things to consider. Do you want snaps or velcro? One size that adjusts, or do you want a sized diaper? Then there are all in ones, also known as AIO's. I checked Consumer Reports, I could not (easily) find a rating. After poking around in various places, I have determined that BumGenius seems to be quite popular. I can see why. I like the velcro versus a snap system (great to get the right fit, plus easier with thrashing 2 year old!). I alkso like the concept of buying them once.

I also found one called gPants by gDiapers. I like these for a few reasons, they are SUPER CUTE! I can not wait to do a photo shoot with these! But the other thing that is neat about them is that you can use cloth inserts or disposables, and the disposables just flush down the toilet! Interesting concept. I have ordered one of each brand so we will see how it goes. Okay, I better at least brush my teeth tonight before I collapse into bed. Until next time~

Friday, February 26, 2010

An introduction

Well I am a mom of three boys. The oldest is age 6 (going on 16!) he is enjoying kindergarten and adjusting to life as the "biggest brother". He enjoys music, basketball, school and karate. The second is 2 and every bit of the definition! We call him Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He love to play outside, love all sports and things with wheel. The baby is just 3 months and as cute as ever, he sleeps through the night and give us smiles and giggles when he is awake. About me, as a mom I exclusively breastfed all of my boys and am now researching cloth diapers. What an interesting experience. I better go get some cold macaroni and cheese for lunch before they both wake up from their naps.